
For a fully costom-made database, we spend quite a bit of time up front (before any payment is made, or even committed) to assess the feasibility of your database requirements. If we don’t think we can build you a fully functional database that meets your requirements, we will tell you right up front.How do I pay for this?

Once we have established the feasibility, we will write the Functional Specification, which forms the documented agreement between us as to what you require and what we will build. When this has been agreed to, we are then ready to start work. The steps of the process are then as follows:

  1. We each sign the agreement that confirms the Functional Specification and our general Terms & Conditions.
  2. You pay a deposit equal to 20% of the total fee quoted and we start building your database.
  3. When the database has been completed to our satisfaction, we will install it at your site and train you on its operation so you can thoroughly test it.
  4. At this point of initial installation, you make an interim payment of 40% of the total fee.
  5. We work with you for as long as it takes to get the database into the final form that you are comfortable with. This includes help with uploading existing data.
  6. When you agree that the database is performing the way you specified in the Functional Specification, you pay the reamaining 40% of the fee.
  7. Oh, and then you get a full 3 months’ warranty to cover any bugs or shortcomings that arise.

1.2.3 Invoice !! (General Contracting or Pest Control)

This is much simpler than a full custom-made database. You pay 50% up front and the remaining 50% when it is all up and running properly (not counting any mods you have requested).